User interface

This is an example of a typing tree. It can be adapted to what is requested


Actions buttons

Icon Typing Suboptions
icon Accept icon
icon Not interested icon
icon Will think about it
icon Follow-up
icon Already client icon
icon Joke/Cut-off/Test
icon Schedule Date and the agent
Icon Action
icon Send
icon Display coding form


Finished call

When you end a call, the form to code the call that just ended will be displayed at the bottom of the whiteboard.

You must choose one of the icons to code the call such as: Accept, Does not accept, Will think about it, Follow-up, Already Client or Joke/Cut-off/Test. Depending on the selected encoding, some sub-options will be displayed to select the one that is necessary. For example, if the call is coded as Accept, you must then select whether it is Converged, Fixed or Mobile. Additionally, an observation can be added.

To save the call coding you must press the button icon that appears on the right side of the form.

Deploy typing form

If you want to display the form to type a call, you can press the button icon that appears in the video zone.



In some campaigns, more data associated with the card must be entered.


If all is ok, the following message is displayed.
