The function of this module is to share the screen from the agent to the client.

User interface



Icon Description
icon Start presentation
icon Pause active presentation
icon Stop active presentation

Actions buttons

Icon Action
icon Minimize interface


Start presentation

Tool: icon

By clicking on it, a native browser window will open that will ask you to select the resource to share.


Offers several options:

  • Full screen
  • Application window
  • Browser tab


By default, the browser will show all three options. However, the sharing of each of them may be limited to each user profile.

Once the option is selected, the content will be shown on the canvas.


Pause presentation

Tool: icon

Clicking will pause the current sharing.

Stop presentation

Tool: icon

Clicking will stop the current sharing and restore the blackboard.

Compatible modules

Integration with the interactive blackboard

To refer the output to the board, simply accept the informative message located in the lower left part.



This process only will only be possible if the user have the necessary permissions.